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A member registered May 24, 2018

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Reminds me of Bejeweled 3's "Buried Treasure" mode, but this feels way more RNG dependent. You either go REALLY far, or get shut down on day 2, and there's not really any in-between. The rent increases way too quickly unless you get really lucky. Still fun, but needs some balancing.

Short, sweet, and REALLY fun. Every element ties into building stress during the gameplay portions, and it makes you really want to move quick and get things done as fast as possible. The pixel art is a little rough around the edges, but all in all this was really fun!

Really gorgeous art, really great music, controls very well. Crashed when I died, and the attack range feels a tad bit small. With some polish, this could be an excellent game!

It's a nice little visual novel! Beautiful artwork, good writing, excellent presentation, and it absolutely nails the theme.  I got the "Burn Out" ending for simply... doing my job and nothing else. Too real, man, too real...

Very cool concept for a puzzle game! I think this has a lot of potential, but it definitely has some flaws; the sound design is a bit repetitive, and I can't fully understand how I'm meant to solve the puzzle where you see the third slime for the first time. 

Pixel art is gorgeous, the theming is great, but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. The microgames for firing your lasers feels a bit touchy, and combat takes forever. Final battle of the game also feels really overtuned -- it felt like it punctured my shields and did half my health in a single blow!
All in all, it's very enjoyable to look at, but with some glaring problems that make it less so to play.

Thank you so much! Pattie did an excellent job with the sound design for the animals-- I'm really happy with how all of them came out. The original idea was that each animal would have their own instrument-- sort of like the characters in Don't Starve-- but I was also open to different ideas. Thus, the goat has the sound of a metal can!

The animal animations were both really fun and REALLY HARD to do, and I think the eating animations could stand to be a bit more fluid-- thus, the headbanging horse, which was meant to only play once, but bugs exist in the code! We do plan on fixing this up at some point in the future, as well as making a much clearer tutorial for the game outside of what currently exists.

Enjoyable, but the controls felt a bit frustrating at times. I think if you clean it up a bit, this could be a really fun game!

Looks nice, but I have no clue what to do!

This game is frustratingly slippery in a very fun way. Good job!

Thank you so much! My goal with a lot of the puzzles was to make the player ask "How does this interaction work?" Most of them are designed to be intuitive interactions, and others, like Rain-3 & Night-2 are meant to be more like "Huh. What do I even do with any of this?" 
I think we've only scratched the surface of what we can do, as all of these levels are just made from interactions between the animals and the basic tiles. We wanted to add Buttons and Fence Gates to this version, but we had to cut them because we ran out of time. There's a very strong chance, though, that we'll be bringing those ideas back in an update down the road.

(1 edit)

That's really strange. That might be a browser-exclusive bug, but I'll see if I can replicate it.
EDIT: I can't seem to replicate it. Can you try and replicate what you did to see if I can  troubleshoot what might be going wrong?

Hello! Could you please explain what happened, and which level you chose to play first? We are aware that some puzzles have issues due to known bugs at the moment, but the intended first puzzle of the game (Goat-1) should still be clearable under these conditions.

If you intend on playing this game this week, please be wary of the following puzzles, which have issues due to the bugs we have found in this build:

Horse-1 has an impossible best score

Pig-1 would be beatable if the game's mechanics were working as-intended at the moment. As it stands, you can get VERY close to a clear, but due to bugs in the game, Carts do not properly get locked into their Pens.

Rain-3 may have an impossible par score

Rain-4 may have an impossible par score

Night-1 may have an impossible par score

Night-2 has an impossible best score

Night-3 may have an impossible best score

Thank you so much! The animal sprites took a lot of work to get just right,  and they were originally going to be directionally facing. Thankfully, I was talked out of it and instead we drew some inspiration from Super Auto Pets for a sticker/emoji style for the sprites, mixed with some actual animation. I wasn't very good at spriting quadrupeds before going into this, but now I feel like I'm quite seasoned at it!

Thank you so much! Initially, the plan was to make each animal individually controllable, but that seemed like it was going to lead to lock-and-key sort of design, so our programmer recommended a "layer of indirection" which is where the Food mechanic came from, and it became a pivotal part of the game design, along with the Animal abilities (virtually unchanged from the initial concept) and the whole game being a strange mix of a traditional Sokoban and The Incredible Machine/Contraption Maker/Fantastic Contraption.

Our programmer Golden Epsilon did try to implement an options menu with volume sliders right at the end, but unfortunately he was out of energy before then. Similarly, the tutorial was added really late into development because it never occurred to us that it might be hard to pick up and play this (because we were intimately familiar with the mechanics!), but we are planning on updating this at some point down the road with improvements, more puzzles, and more mechanics to boot!

Thank you so much! I tried to make all of the tutorial puzzles easily digestible, the "Rain" world puzzles a little bit of a step up, and then I went for more interesting and unique interactions for the "Night" levels!

Music's really good, sprite work is absolutely gorgeous, but the game balance is all over the place. The first level of the story mode felt like the hardest, and the gimmick on the last level makes it a tad annoying to actually clear, while the level itself isn't that hard on its own.  All in all, had a fun time with it!